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Online Chinese Course with LingosMio

Mandarin Chinese has the most number of native speakers in the world. The economic rise of China has resulted in a lot of people wanting to learn Chinese.

Conventionally Chinese has been considered a difficult language to learn. However, the Chinese course at LingosMio consists on bite size lessons, which make it easier for the students to grasp.

The free lessons at LingosMio will ensure that you learn Chinese step by step and also engage in conversations using various scenarios. The Chinese lessons online at LingosMio form a part of a speaking course where the students don't learn the Chinese script but the free lessons teach using Pinyin.

The Chinese course starts by teaching you how to introduce yourself, then moving on to talk about what you do. As you advance you will even learn how to have a conversation in a hotel, talk about your hobbies, daily routine, your likes and dislikes.

Forget about video lessons, the free Chinese lessons at LingosMio are highly interactive, which always keep the students engaged in exercises and ensure that there is never a dull moment. The natural voices recorded by the natives will help you too understand the accent and the pronunciations better.

Why not try learning Chinese at LingosMio. All you need to do is to register here!

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Teaching Languages the way they should be
The secret to our successfil results is carefully composed lessons covering vocabulary,
grammar, and with a special accent on conversation.